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Transform Your Health with Happy Healthy Hormones

We are strong proponents of Integrative & Functional Medicine – an approach to healthcare that emphasizes the unique and individual needs of every patient.  We believe the body knows how to heal itself, given the proper foundation.  Functional medicine offers a holistic alternative to traditional medicine, as it focuses on addressing the root causes of health issues rather than just treating the symptoms.

One of the key differences between functional medicine and traditional medicine lies in their respective approaches to patient care. Traditional medicine often relies on a one-size-fits-all approach, using standardized treatments and medications to address common health issues. In contrast, functional medicine takes a more personalized approach, considering each patient’s unique genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors when developing a treatment plan. Functional medicine also emphasizes the importance of addressing the interconnectedness of the body’s systems, understanding that imbalances in one area can have far-reaching effects on overall health. 

By taking a holistic approach to patient care, functional medicine seeks to optimize the body’s natural healing abilities and promote long-term wellness. We believe that by embracing the principles of functional medicine, patients can experience more comprehensive, integrative, and effective healthcare that focuses on improving their overall health and well-being. 

Our website is dedicated to promoting the benefits of integrative medicine and providing a platform for individuals to learn more about this innovative approach to healthcare. We invite you to explore our resources and join us in embracing a new paradigm of health and wellness through integrative and functional medicine.

Change how you feel with Hormone Therapy

Unlock Your Potential with Happy Healthy Hormones

We have desirable and affordable self-pay rates for both medical visits and lab tests. Please get in touch with us for more information. Please read our Office and Financial Policies below.
Being available to the patient
The practitioner-patient relationship only flourishes when the patient knows that the practitioner has time, not only to spend with them in an appointment but in availability to discuss issues that arise as well.
Some patients come to believe that their practitioner doesn’t care because the practitioner is not available. This may be true in rare cases, but from our view, the problem boils down to the insurance model: There are too many demands on the practitioner (charting, billing, pharmacy pre-authorizations, insurance pre-authorizations, etc.) to give the patient adequate time.
Integrative, Anti-Aging, and Functional Medicine are time-consuming (for both patients and practitioners). With that said, these types of practices generally produce excellent outcomes—all of the time and energy spent with patients is worth it!
In the world of medicine, practitioner-patient discussions are the lengthiest in Integrative, Anti-Aging, and Functional Medicine treatment rooms. Those of us who practice these forms of individualized medicine evaluate all components of our patient’s lives. We understand the connection between the mind, body, and spirit, and that problems in one area translate to problems in the entire system.
Addressing the patient means looking deeply into the person to tease out how much of the illness is being caused by nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise, excessive stressors, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances, toxins, and medications, as well as other pillars of health.
We develop comprehensive plans with each patient to address both acute symptoms and long-term goals—incredibly time-consuming and patient-centric.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of tests available that help us get a real understanding of each patient’s unique biology. Tests like metabolomics (understanding the biochemistry of the individual on a cellular level). As many of us have come to know, insurance companies often tell patients that this type of testing is “unnecessary” or “unproven.” Insurance companies will penalize the practitioner in their network who order such tests by performing chart reviews! The practitioner must “prove” to the insurance company that the tests are “necessary” and “proven,” thus meeting the insurance company’s definition as defined by their research and impressions.
Failure to meet the insurance company’s criteria may subject the practitioner to penalties, which could look like hundreds of thousands of dollars owed back to the insurance company. To avoid penalty risks, many practitioners do not order tests.

The best way to prevent disease is to get healthy and stay healthy.

Integrative, Anti-Aging, and Functional Medicine practitioners are often asked:

  • Which foods should I eat? Which should I avoid?
  • What type of exercise should I do and how often?
  • How much sleep do I need?
  • Are these vitamins good for me?
  • Is there an alternative to these medications?
  • Is it safe to take hormones?
Traditionally trained physicians tend to be less educated in these areas and spend less time educating patients about preventative health. While early detection of disease is important, proper habits and prevention trump all!
The fact that we eat too many processed foods, are increasingly sedentary, sleep less, and are more stressed are exactly the hot-button topics that we address with each patient during every visit. The lack of real education on health and nutrition throughout society—from childhood on—is the number one cause of most illnesses that challenge our nation.

I understand the one truth of medicine: The knowledge we impart to patients is critical to their journey back to health and balance.